Allen Special Olympics Delegation (ASOD)
Competition Guidelines
(Updated July 2020 . . . see SOTX update on the HOME page regarding Return to Play status)
Parents Involvement:
Parents/Guardians (anyone over the age of 18 years of age) are encouraged to be registered with SOTX as a Class A Volunteer. If you are participating in practices, competitions or trips, you must be registered as a Class A Volunteer. You must also take the general orientation and protective behaviors. The Class A Volunteer certification and protective behaviors on-line training is good for a 3-year period. The general orientation on-line session needs to be completed only once during the initial Class A Volunteer processing procedure.
Minor volunteers between the ages of 12-18 years are encouraged to complete the Minor Reference Form in order to volunteer, in any form, with ASOD athletes.
Parents/Guardians must be registered with Allen ISD as a Volunteer each school year. Because we are supported by AISD, you must be registered with Allen ISD as a Volunteer, no matter the age of your athlete or school district attended/ing. Volunteers must apply each school year as a volunteer with AISD. Any parent/caregiver/family member/friend who attends any practices or competition MUST have all their volunteer documents up to date.
Each Athlete/Unified Partner must pay an annual $25 athletic participation fee / $50 per family.
If Athlete/Unified Partner paid their Annual fee but did not participate in any ASOD practices or competitions, they may be refunded their fee upon written request during the year in which it was paid.
Local Competitions:
Athletes must have participated in minimum of 2 practices prior to Local Competition.
Delegation Coach must approve athletes participating in Local Competition.
ASOD may, at its discretion, provide transportation and pay for meals.
There is no Competition/Registration Fee for Local Competitions.
Area 10 Events:
Athlete must be 8 years of age on the day of the competition to compete.
Athletes must have participated in a minimum of 2 practices prior to Area 10 Competition. Any exceptions to this rule will be made on an individual basis with the Co-HODs and the coach involved. Delegation Coach and Co-HODs must approve athletes participating in Area 10 Competition.
Where applicable, times, or scores must be submitted prior to Area 10 Competition due date. All information will need to be sent by coaches to the Co-HODs one (1) week prior to the due dates. Due dates will be provided to all coaches prior to the first practice.
There is no Competition/Registration Fee for Area Competitions.
ASOD will pay for meals (1) for the Athletes, Unified Partners, Coaches and Chaperones. Forecasted cost must be approved by ASOD Steering Committee prior to incurring expenses.
State Competitions (or North Region):
Athlete must be 8 years of age on the first day of competition to compete.
Athletes must have participated in most recent Area 10 Competition in order to qualify for State Competition.
Delegation Coach and Co-HODs must approve athletes participating in State Competitions.
Where applicable, times or scores must be submitted prior to State Competition due date. All information will need to be sent by coaches to the Co-HODs one (1) week prior to the due dates. Parents MUST reply one (1) week prior to due date indicating their athlete will participate, or the athlete will not be listed on the state entries.
State Games Registration Fee of $30 is due from each Athlete and Unified Partner participating in State Competition prior to event.
If Athlete/Unified Partner pays their $30 fee and scratches before the scratch deadline date, ASOD will apply the fee to a future competition, or it can be refunded upon written request. If Athlete/Unified Partner scratches after the scratch deadline date, they will be assessed a $15 administration fee and the remaining $15 will be applied to a future competition or can be refunded upon written request.
ASOD will pay for the following: Meals (1) Transportation (2), and Lodging (3) for all athletes, Unified Partners, coaches and chaperones. Team Rosters will be approved by the coach of the team and the Co-HOD’s. Approval from the Steering Committee is not necessary. Forecasted costs, however, must be approved by ASOD Steering Committee prior to incurring expenses. Only parents of athletes that require one-on-one attention will be considered chaperones for their athlete. ALL parents attending will be required to chaperone at least two athletes. Exceptions can be discussed on a case by case basis with the Co-HOD’s.
Special Olympics National and International Competitions:
Athlete must be 16 years of age on the first day of competition to compete.
Athlete must have participated in State Games in similar sport.
Athlete must be self-sufficient to travel alone (Co-HODs & Coaches discretion).
Co-HODs & Coaches should disseminate competition information and encourage eligible athletes to apply. Selecting athletes for the competition is determined by either SOTX or the competition committee and not all athletes who apply are selected to compete.
Athletes, Unified Partners & Coaches will be responsible for fundraising goals determined by each Special Olympics National or International competition guidelines.
Additional funding by ASOD, including scholarships, will be determined for each competition by the ASOD Steering Committee.
Invitational National and International Competitions:
Athlete must be 16 years of age on the first day of competition to compete.
Athlete must have participated in State Games in similar sport.
Athlete must be self-sufficient enough to travel alone (Coaches & Co-HODs discretion).
All travel arrangements must be coordinated with the Event Planning committee chair. ASOD will pay for team/individual registration fees determined on a case by case basis.
Athletes, Unified partners & Coaches are responsible for raising up to $600 each for the competition.
Additional funding by ASOD, including scholarships, will be determined for each competition by the ASOD Steering Committee.
All forecasted costs must be submitted to & approved by ASOD Steering Committee prior to incurring expenses.
All participating Coaches/Chaperones/Volunteers must have all applicable SOTX forms on file with ASOD.
All Coaches must have ‘Coaches Code of Conduct’ on file with Co-HODs.
All Chaperones and Volunteers must have ‘Volunteer Code of Conduct’ on file with Co-HODs.
There is no registration fee for any Coach or Chaperone for competitions.
If the chaperone-to-athlete ratio is not met prior to departure, a team or teams may be unable to participate in the event. The current ratio is four (4) athletes to one (1) chaperone, gender specific.
General Guidelines
Costs or expenses must be approved by the ASOD Steering Committee prior to each event. It is the responsibility of each individual who requests reimbursement to supply the detailed explanation for each expense and ALL receipts.